Saturday, March 27, 2010

Going without

I have never been a fan of those who say that God wants us to be rich.  I understand that we are sons and daughters of God and that He wants the greatest things for us.  However, Jesus paints a different picture for those who would follow him.

Jesus said that foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has no place to rest His head.  This is what Jesus told us to expect if we were to follow Him.  While here in the Dream Center I have learned something that rings true in my heart.  That if we are to be Christians, there is no place to just go through the motions.  If you are only going to go half-speed then you have to sit on the side-lines.  You have to go without and you have to sacrifice.  These are the things that I have had to learn and its freeing.

My phone got cut off today because Im physically unable to get a job while I'm here.  Yet, Im not upset about it.  Realistically I would rather serve God rather than do things that cause me to not serve Him.  Most say we have to have a career to be successful, I say thats false.  I would like to see more people giving up what they have and living with less so that others can benefit around them.  How about we live for God as our career and forget about our 401k as our investment for the future?

I can live without a phone, who knows if it will ever get turned back on, but who really cares?  The only thing that matters in this world is if we live for God.  So I pose a question for whoever reads this.  Is your career and daily goal to live for God?  Or are you going through the motions and living like everyone else, because thats what everyone else does and you dont know any other way to live?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tough Times, need extra money?

Although the papers say we are out of the recession, we havent really felt it at home yet.  We all need a little extra cash each week to make it easier to pay the bills.  Here is one way you can do that.

Its actually pretty simple and not a lot of work at all.  Basically all you do is spread the word about Garsteck Photography.  You will be given a code only assigned to your name.  If a person you refer purchases a print or books an assignment then you receive %10 of the profit.  If you bring in a lot of people your percentage goes up significantly.

Its really that simple.  There is very little effort on your part, just be social.  I even have graphics that you can email or upload to your facebook or myspace to help draw more people.

If you are interested just email me at

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Whats going on - an update

For those that dont know, I made the decision to get rid of everything I owned and move across country to California with just what I could carry.  I didnt know what would happen but I knew God would provide and that I would grow in the process.  I really needed a new change and I needed a new life.

Now that I am finally getting settled in and getting used to the scenery I felt it would be a good idea to update everyone on my journey so far.

The first thing I realize is that in order to do something for God you must give your all into it.  In fact Christ tells us that we are to lose our lives for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven.  If we started off with just sacrificing everything that we are for the greater good of God's kingdom then we would see a different picture painted of the church today.

I see that this is true because in order to keep up out here you must have your heart all in it.  You cant just show up every so often and expect change to happen, you must be committed to what you have set your mind on.  God has given us all some desire and avenue to do His will, now we just have to commit to it.  If we dont, what does that show about our hears?

I've had the pleasure of dwelling with people who only want to change the world for Christ.  I think we all need to have this mindset to start off with.  Too often we are limited to what we can do because we are told we cant do it or that its not possible.  I remember Christ saying that if you believe to be possible then it can happen.  Thats the faith that we are to have and that is the gift we are given.

Just a thought to chew on for today.