Saturday, March 27, 2010

Going without

I have never been a fan of those who say that God wants us to be rich.  I understand that we are sons and daughters of God and that He wants the greatest things for us.  However, Jesus paints a different picture for those who would follow him.

Jesus said that foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has no place to rest His head.  This is what Jesus told us to expect if we were to follow Him.  While here in the Dream Center I have learned something that rings true in my heart.  That if we are to be Christians, there is no place to just go through the motions.  If you are only going to go half-speed then you have to sit on the side-lines.  You have to go without and you have to sacrifice.  These are the things that I have had to learn and its freeing.

My phone got cut off today because Im physically unable to get a job while I'm here.  Yet, Im not upset about it.  Realistically I would rather serve God rather than do things that cause me to not serve Him.  Most say we have to have a career to be successful, I say thats false.  I would like to see more people giving up what they have and living with less so that others can benefit around them.  How about we live for God as our career and forget about our 401k as our investment for the future?

I can live without a phone, who knows if it will ever get turned back on, but who really cares?  The only thing that matters in this world is if we live for God.  So I pose a question for whoever reads this.  Is your career and daily goal to live for God?  Or are you going through the motions and living like everyone else, because thats what everyone else does and you dont know any other way to live?

1 comment:

  1. I found your photography page through a photo you had for Balboa Park. Curious to see the person behind the pictures I veered to your blog which typically I never do, but I think God was leading me here.

    For the past month our family has been really struggling with work. We run a family owned construction business and are continually facing a battle with our customers. It is so easy to become distracted by the ups and downs of work that your mind is not dwelling on the things of the Lord, rather we a fretting over the little things such as not having a phone that we forget our ultimate purpose.

    Thank you for your post. It was exactly what I needed as a reminder today. We are to live for God and he will meet our needs!
