Monday, May 17, 2010

Hope pt1

There is something so innocent about hope that there are few who would dare tamper with it.  Hope and faith are something that actually goes hand in hand.

We as Christians, we hope for the things to come from the God that nobody sees.  Most people desperately search for something to give them hope.  They will even go into a delusional state to believe that their hopes are for something real and that they wouldn't be let down.  I believe that all mankind are in this sort of desperation to hope in something.  But why are we all searching for something to hope in?

I will take the religious corner to answer the question.  In fact, religion is a very obvious way to show that on some level we are all connected.  Its amazing how people who are raised outside of any sort of society even have a religion.  They naturally will seek some sort of God.  

Indeed, I do believe that we are all born with an innate call on our lives to search for a God of some sort.  Yet the soul is not quenched with religion and you are able to see the evidence of this in the way religious people act.  Most dont act at peace, in fact, most seem like they are trying to prove to themselves that the "god" they worship is real.  For to show that what they worship does not exist would be traumatic.

This is why you see a world full of all sorts of different kinds of religions but they all bare the same sort of fruit.  There is nothing to really suggest they have any clue of what they talk about.  This is not to suggest that God does not exist.  In fact, it seems to prove that we are all searching for something without even being told to search.  Yes, God does exist, to me, the proof is found in mankind's search as if searching for a long lost love.  The discontent in our hearts keeps us wandering.

I take this with a sigh of relief to continue my personal journey with God.  Yes, I have found God.  Not just god, but the one we are all searching for.  My journey isnt exactly how my affiliated religion would normally desire nor is my relationship what it should be.  However, it is what it is.  I say let your relationship be what it is.  Stop being afraid to say that you arent alright or that you are in need of help.  Its the only way you will find God.

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