Sunday, June 5, 2011

Websites that help my work life. A-Z

Internet centrality is so vital to being a photographer or any other profession in the creative field.  I thought I would go through a list of websites from A-Z that help me out everyday.

While I missed a few letters, I made up for it by giving more than one in different places.   I hope this helps you out.

I love amazon because I can get the equipment I need or anything else I might want.
he always has good interviews and knowledge about anything you would want to know in the photo world.  This gives you a major edge.
I run my blog through blogger.  Its free and run with statistics and ad revenue.

If you havent found this website yet, then I have done you a huge favor.  We all get some clients that have ridiculous requests and this a safe haven to share them
This guy and his team shoots amazing photo and video and is also a very influential member in the photo community.  Listen to his podcasts and read his blogs, you will thank me later.

This is where I started taking photography seriously.  I love DPC because its more than just a contest site.  Its like a family that helps each other out, its a dysfunctional family but a family nonetheless.  This place is full of amazing photographers as well and its hard to win a contest.  It will challenge you and make you into a better photographer.
This is another great place to check out where you can get a lot of feedback from artists.

I have a sick sense of humor sometimes and I like to check it out from time to time.

You are probably already on facebook, you need to be connected socially if you want your work to be seen.
This is the place to go for BTS videos and other things that are awesome.

This website is free and you build your own music library.  Perfect for when you are at the computer editing.

Since most of my time is spent on the computer, I need to have something to stimulate my mind.  I set my laptop to play hulu so I can watch a show or a documentary while I work.

I like to check out to see what is going on in the stock market to see if I can gain any inspiration or new ideas for photos.

Ill be honest I dont have a J website but I do visit Joey L's site every so often to see what he has been up to.  He has a lot of great work accomplished at a young age.

this is a photo agency that hosts some serious photographers.  I check in here every so often to see what the market is producing and to get some inspiration

I use both these sites to host my model portfolio and to keep in contact with other models.  Ive used these sites to find models and make-up artists for shoots and I think its a great resource.  You should always have a list of models and make-up artists or stylists.

This is self explanatory, I love music and having it in the background.

Strobist should be a site that everyone frequently checks out.  David Hobby is constantly updating us on new techniques and tricks along with other cool things that are going on in the photo world.
here is a great site to have when you need to email a client something that your regular email cant handle.  Its free up to 300mb.

This is an obvious tool to have in your social networking toolbox.  I use it to update any news that is going on and I often upload new pictures of recent shoots.  I have my website set to display my twitter and blog feed live.

While not a photo site, its a site I always go to when my computer is working hard on something or I need a break.  I always have my guitar plugged into my amp next to me just in case.

I often update this contest site to see if I can win something cool.  I have had a few pictures displayed on the front page and won a few contests.  Its a great avenue to get noticed and receive feedback.

This comic is updated every monday, wednesday and friday.  It always has something witty or interesting on it.
I always look here to check on new tutorials or see some interesting video to keep my sanity.  I also post video tutorials on various things.

zenfolio is where I display and sell my photographs for clients.  I upload them here for them to proof out and to download or order.  I also have my fine art portfolio there so I can sell them.

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